Cutthroat Trout and Western Pearlshell (16x20) |
Biodrawversity specializes in creating detailed illustrations of invertebrates, fish, amphibians, and reptiles. The primary media include ink, pencil, and colored pencil. These illustrations appear in field guides, books, manuals, posters, and other publications. Please scroll down to view featured illustrations, and please consider commissioning new work if you have a favorite creature!

Spotted Salamander (9x12)

Pool Life (16x20)

Northeastern Turtles (12x16)

Brook Trout underwater
(12x16; 16x20) |

Caddisfly: Helicopsyche (9x12; 12x16)

Trour color
(9x12; 12x16; 16x20)

Mayfly, Stonefly, Caddisfly (12x16)

Triangle Floater (9x12)

Three Caddisflies (12x16)

Brook Trout and Lake Trout (12x16; 16x20)

Northern Water Snake (9x12)

Atlantic Sturgeon (9x12; 12x16)

Gray Treefrog (9x12; 12x16)

Spring Salamander (9x12)

American Toad (9x12)

Caddisfly: Ptilostomis (9x12; 12x16)

Redback Salamander (9x12)

Mayfly: Siphloplecton (9x12)

Smallmouth Bass (9x12; 12x16)

Landlocked Salmon (9x12)

Painted Turtle (9x12)

Eastern Racer (9x12)

Timber Rattlesnake (9x12; 12x16)

Periwinkle (9x12)

Stonefly: Malirekus (9x12)

Caddisfly: Parapsyche (9x12)

Toe Biter: Pelocoris (9x12)

Eastern Newt (9x12)

Lake Trout color (9x12)

Lake Trout black & white (9x12)

American Eel: Silver Phase (9x12)

Amphipod: Gammarus (9x12)

Green Crab (9x12)

Alewife (9x12) |

Ocean Strider: Halobates (9x12)

Mayfly: Eurylophella (9x12)

Fallfish (9x12; 12x16)

Ribbed Mussel (9x12)

Fairy Shrimp (9x12)

American Eel: Yellow Phase (9x12)

Ant (9x12)

Blue Crab (9x12)

Blanding's Turtle (9x12)

Northern Two-lined Salamander (9x12)

Blacknose Dace (9x12; 12x16)

Brook Trout black & white (9x12)

Young Brook Trout (9x12)

Brown Trout color (9x12)

Cutthroat Trout (9x12; 12x16)

Cutthroat Trout: Dorsal (9x12)

Brown Trout black & white (9x12)

Dragonfly: Cordulegaster (9x12; 12x16)

Beetle: Dytiscus (9x12)

Water Boatman: Corixidae (9x12)

Beetle: Dytiscus (larvae) (9x12)

Eastern Box Turtle (9x12)

Wood Turtle (9x12)

American Eel (9x12)

Dragonfly: Neurocordulia (9x12; 12x16)

Freshwater Shrimp: Palaemonetes (9x12)

Yellow Lampmussel (9x12) |

Brook Floater (9x12)

Dwarf Wedgemussel (9x12)