
Amphibians and Reptiles
Experience with all common species, including vernal pool amphibians, as well as rare species in the following groups:
Rare Turtles, including wood turtle, eastern box turtle, bog turtle, spiny softshell turtle, spotted turtle, Blanding’s turtle, eastern musk turtle
Rare Salamanders, including Jefferson salamander, blue-spotted salamander, marbled salamander, northern spring salamander, four-toed salamander
Rare Snakes, including eastern worm snake, eastern ribbon snake, black racer, eastern hognose snake |
Services Provided
- Sampling protocols and study designs for a variety of species, habitats, and objectives
- Survey techniques that include visual, tactile, auditory, aquatic traps, coverboards, drift fences and pit-fall traps, snorkeling, and SCUBA
- Species identification, including amphibian larvae and egg masses
- Habitat assessment and mapping
- Long-term population monitoring using radiotelemetry and mark-recapture
- Home range and population size estimates
- Qualitative surveys and inventories
- Vernal pool surveys and certification
- Environmental impact studies
- Pre-construction sweeps, relocation
- Data analysis, presentation, and reporting
- Develop conservation and management plans
Example Projects
- Wood turtle relocation and monitoring for bridge and roadway projects in Massachusetts and Connecticut
- Survey of vernal pools and state-listed amphibians and reptiles in the Tully Lake Flood Control Project in Massachusetts
- Blandings turtle habitat assessments in eastern Massachusetts
- Wood turtle survey in the Shetucket River for the Scotland Hydroelectric Project
- Behavior and ecology of the eastern worm snake (Carphophis amoenus) in Massachusetts
- Eastern box turtle surveys and monitoring for proposed construction and development projects throughout Massachusetts
- SCUBA diving services for a spiny softshell turtle monitoring project in Lake Champlain in Vermont
- Research on the distribution, movement, and ecology of eastern box turtles and wood turtles in Massachusetts
- Research on bog turtles (Clemmys muhlenbergii) in Connecticut and Massachusetts