
We have advanced knowledge of the diversity, identification, and ecology of rare and common plant species and natural communities of the Northeast. We specialize in surveying state-listed plants, significant natural communities, and invasive plants.
Services Provided
- Survey/inventory of rare and common aquatic, wetland, and upland species of northeastern North America
- Survey/inventory of natural communities in a range of rare and unique habitats such as calcareous fens, bogs, rich mesic forests, subalpine habitats, and cliffs
- Long-term monitoring of populations, habitats, and natural communities
- Sampling protocols and study designs for a variety of species, habitats, and objectives
- Habitat assessment and mapping (GPS/GIS)
- Development of conservation and management plans
- Invasive species inventory, mapping, monitoring, and control
- Environmental impact studies pertaining to development, recreation, and rare plant population relocations
- Data analysis, presentation, and reporting
Example Projects