
Mussel Species
We are experts at identifying all common species, as well as rare northeastern species, including:
Dwarf wedgemussel
Brook floater
Triangle floater
Yellow lampmussel
Tidewater mucket
Fragile papershell
Pink heelsplitter
Creek heelsplitter
Fluted shell
Cylindrical papershell
Green floater
Eastern pondmussel
Black sandshell
Giant floater
Eastern pearlshell
Services Provided
- Sampling protocols and study designs for a variety of species, habitats, and objectives
- SCUBA and snorkel surveys by biologists trained to find and identify mussels underwater
- Habitat assessments
- Qualitative surveys and inventories
- Quantitative surveys (population size estimation)
- Relocation projects
- Tagging and recapture studies
- Host fish studies: suitability, availability, ecological interactions
- Long-term monitoring studies
- Population viability analyses
- Environmental impact studies
- Data analysis, presentation, and reporting
- Develop management plans and assist with Section 7 consultation
- Maintain state and federal permits to survey and possess endangered species
- Pre-approved for studies on the federally endangered dwarf wedgemussel by the US Fish and Wildlife Service and all state agencies in the Northeast
Example Projects
- Dwarf wedgemussel surveys in 100 miles of the upper Connecticut River in New Hampshire and Vermont
- Freshwater mussel consultation (survey, relocation, preparation of incidental take plans) for the Penobscot River Restoration Project in Maine
- Qualitative and quantitative studies of the brook floater in 25 rivers in New England
- Dwarf wedgemussel relocation and monitoring in the Ashuelot River for the Homestead Dam removal project
- Dwarf wedgemussel, brook floater, and yellow lampmussel surveys throughout the Delaware and Susquehanna watersheds of New York and Pennsylvania
- Effects of seasonal docks, recreation, and shoreline development on freshwater mussels in coastal plain ponds of Massachusetts
- Quantitative monitoring of the yellow lampmussel population in the Connecticut River in Massachusetts
- An assessment of freshwater mussels in the Neversink River following a removal of the dam at Cuddebackville, NY, and a severe spring flood
- Long-term quantitative studies of the dwarf wedgemussel population in the Ashuelot River downstream of the Surry Flood Control Dam in New Hampshire
- Analysis of distribution, threats, and conservation of the dwarf wedgemussel in the middle and northern macrosites of the Upper Connecticut River